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Protesters at the Melbourne #ClimateStrike holding signs that say "Climate Chaos Fules Poverty", "Climate Justice Now" and "Dont be Fossil Fools"

350,000 of us went on #ClimateStrike – now what?

Here are our top 5 take homes after the global #ClimateStrike Read more »

How your donation is making dreams come true in Timor-Leste

Before joining an Oxfam-supported savings group, Francisco struggled to put food on the table for his family. Now, he knows how to manage money and chase his dreams — and his fortunes have turned around. Read more »

Pacific Islands Forum 2019: Fun in Funafuti

Advocacy Lead Simon Bradshaw reports back from the Pacific Islands Forum in Tuvalu Read more »

Australia must listen to its Pacific neighbours on climate crisis

In the Pacific, the climate crisis is a matter of survival for our most vulnerable nations. Read more »
Children hold onions outside their school building

How onions are helping families to smile in Papua New Guinea

Thanks to you, we’re empowering families in PNG to earn an income through onion farming – which means that their kids can go to school, eat nutritious food, and build proper housing! Read more »
Donate now to help mothers in Malawi like Eliza protect their children from chronic malnutrition

Eliza’s story: Preventing malnutrition in Malawi

Donate now to help mothers in Malawi like Eliza protect their children from chronic malnutrition. Read more »

Time for honesty about climate damages and the scale of Australia’s responsibilities

Recent extreme weather events, in Australia and globally, are demonstrating that we are already living in the climate crisis. Read more »
Oxfam is helping local rice farmers in Vietnam work smarter and grow more

Solutions that stick in Vietnam

In northern Vietnam, the only thing sweeter than sticky rice… is more sticky rice. So Oxfam is helping local rice farmers work smarter and grow more. Read more »

For real leadership on climate change, look to the Pacific

As negotiations continue over Australia’s embattled energy policy, our political leaders must be under no illusion as to how Australia’s backwardness on climate change is perceived by our Pacific island neighbours. Read more »

We’d like to dedicate this one to you

Last week, thanks to your support, Oxfam Australia was presented with ‘Best Social Innovation’ at the 2017 Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies awards for our Weather Index Insurance scheme in Sri Lanka. Read more »