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URGENT: Gaza Crisis Appeal: Donate Now

Strong Women


In rural Ghana, families are gripped by hunger — and women are most vulnerable

During the Hungry Season, three in every four families don’t have enough food.

In rural Ghana, livelihoods depend on agriculture. If families cannot grow enough crops between now and December, they might only have enough food to last three or four months. Women also don’t have the same opportunities as men to farm and earn a living, which traps them and their children in poverty.

But your support, we can help families survive the Hungry Season by helping women – the mothers and grandmothers who are the foundation of the home – participate in farming.

“It’s important for me to earn an income. What a man can do, a woman can do.”

– Augustina, Ghana

You can help women feed their children and lift their families out of poverty

With your support, we can create pathways for women to make a living — through giving them goats to breed, beehives to tend, or farming tools and training.

“I dream that if I ever get a goat, this means that in time I will have several goats. This will help me pay for food and for my grandchildren’s education.”

– Beatrice, Ghana Read Beatrice’s Story

“There is a great difference in my life. Now I can sell honey, which means I can buy food, school books, pencils and clothes.”

— Augustina, Ghana Read Augustina’s Story

“We are happy to be farmers – it’s what we know.”

“I am really hopeful for the future. I know with time my situation will improve.”

– Esther, Ghana Read Esther’s Story

Donate today to give women in Ghana a fair chance to make a living.

With your support, we can help women feed their children and lift their families out of poverty.

ALL PHOTOS: Adam Patterson/Oxfam