Oxfam Australia

Food Justice on a Hot Planet at the Sustainable Living Festival

Photo: Rodney Dekker/Oxfam

“Climate change is both a product of, and worsens, the structural inequality and poverty that exists in our world” Shen Narayanasamy. Economic Justice Advocacy Officer, Oxfam Australia

The world produces enough food to feed everybody but one in eight people still go hungry. And the world is getting warmer.

2013 was the hottest year on record in Australia. Extreme weather events like the typhoon in the Philippines are becoming the norm.

Crops are being parched then drenched. Farmers are being hit hard. Companies are polluting and profiting, and governments are letting it happen. For most of us, this means poorer quality food at an increasing cost. For nearly a billion people, it means more hunger.

Over the weekend, an inspiring panel of experts discussed food security in a warming world as part of a packed-out Oxfam event at Melbourne’s Sustainable Living Festival. Amanda McKenzie (The Climate Council), Peter Christoff (The University of Melbourne), Mohamed Riyas Rasheed (Oxfam Australia, Sri Lanka) and Shen Narayanasamy (Oxfam Australia) raised the big questions around the impacts of climate change on our broken food system and what we can do to fix it.

One in eight people still go hungry, and our planet is heating up. Stop climate change making people hungry. Be a #foodhero and be part of the solution.

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