Oxfam Australia

Arms Trade Treaty a victory for victims of armed violence

Control Arms

Control Arms

Today at the United Nations in New York, we have been part of making history.

155 governments including Australia have just voted yes to a ground-breaking Arms Trade Treaty to curb the irresponsible arms trade that every day claims 1,500 lives. The global agreement on this treaty has finally sent a clear signal to gunrunners and human rights abusers that they cannot obtain and use weapons with impunity.

But today’s success wasn’t always guaranteed. When Oxfam, Amnesty and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) began the Control Arms Campaign in 2003, the only countries willing to support the treaty were Mali, Cambodia and Costa Rica. Most countries dismissed the idea as an idealistic NGO fantasy.

How did this remarkable turnaround happen? See the timeline below and watch this video to learn more about the Control Arms Campaign strategy and history.

How the Arms Trade Treaty was born: A timeline

We have come to the end of this chapter in the global campaign for a strong and effective Arms Trade Treaty. Ensuring that countries ratify and implement the Arms Trade Treaty will be vital in order to translate the words of the treaty into action that saves lives.

But for now, we celebrate the success of this monumental step forward! Thanks to millions of people like you lending your signatures, faces, and tweets, the Arms Trade Treaty is now a reality. Today we have made history!

Ben Murphy and Steph Cousins, Humanitarian Advocacy for Oxfam Australia

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Send a congratulatory tweet to Australia’s Foreign Minister Bob Carr for his work on the Arms Trade Treaty

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