When we’re sick, we visit a doctor. We have access to affordable medicines; clean drinking water is available to us at the turn of a tap, and nutritious food is plentiful.
In fact, we probably can’t imagine what it would be like to go without these things.
But millions of people in poor countries live without them, every single day. A fact that leads to millions of preventable deaths every year.
- Every minute a woman dies in pregnancy or childbirth due to lack of care
- Every day 5,000 children are killed by pneumonia
- Disease relating to unclean water is the second biggest killer of children worldwide, after acute respiratory infections like tuberculosis. (Wateraid)
Oxfam is working hard to improve health
Poor health affects people’s ability to improve their lives.
So we’re working with local partners to:
- Improve access to clean water and sanitation
- Ensure people have access to nutritious food, as well as providing agricultural training
- Improve access to basic health services including sexual and reproductive health and maternal healthcare programs
- Reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS
Women and health
Women’s health suffers most in developing countries because of their poor social status. Charged with caring for their families they’re often forced to put their health needs last, and in times of drought, flood or famine they suffer greatly.
Read more about our work on women’s health.
Food and nutrition
Every minute 17 people die of hunger around the world. We’re working to provide sustainable food supplies to those in need.
Read more about our work in food and nutrition.
Indigenous health
At home we’re working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to improve their access to quality healthcare and nutrition.
We’re key supporters of the Close the Gap campaign which focuses on closing the 17-year life expectancy gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous Australians.

Change a life today by making a general donation to Oxfam — helping people grow more food, educate their children, and lead healthy, productive lives.

Join us to Close the Gap and demand Indigenous health equality. Sign the pledge to make sure that the government commits to improving the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians.

Buy a goat or another Oxfam Unwrapped gift to help transform the lives of people living in poverty, by providing education, clean water and other life-changing essentials.