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Volunteer spotlight: Melbourne GROW and campaign event volunteers

Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS
Each year the Campaigns team in Melbourne recruit a team of event volunteers. Last year, GROW Coordinator Ula Majewski, recruited a bunch of awesome people who she fondly refers to as “the extraordinary GROW and campaign events team!” This is what she said about them:

“This phenomenal team has been the vibrant and inspiring public face of Oxfam Australia at key moments throughout 2014. They’ve inspired and activated the Melbourne community at so many diverse events – from the Sustainable Living Festival through to the Sydney Road Street Party.

They’ve also worked hard to campaign for our GROW work on food and climate justice, along with other crucial issues that Oxfam works on such as Close the Gap and the Syria conflict. Our campaigns have been super-charged by this wonderful group of humans (who even manage to look amazing wearing giant carrot suits), and have been a key force in motivating awareness and action around global poverty among thousands of Australians.

A huge thank you to the Melbourne GROW and Campaigns event team for 2014: Julia Bediaga, Meghan Bond, Julia Boyle, Caroline Chane, Danni Dai, Karolin Demircian, Elisha Donkin, Helen Dwan, Karinda Flavell, Sarah Lewis, Angela Merriam, Brittany McManus, Sophia Munro, Cam Norton, Ruby Nunan-Jackson, Travis Tunstall, Brooke Vandenberg, Deirdre Varcoe, Kelsey Whyte & Lizzie Yeong.”