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Another Unfair Budget for Australian Aid

Our fears have been confirmed. The Government has made the worst cuts to aid in our nation’s history, showing that the poorest people of the world mean very little to this Government.

They have set out a path for Australia – the second wealthiest country per capita in the world – to give our lowest level of aid ever.

Think that’s unfair? Join the Campaign for Australian Aid now.

Shockwaves will be sent across the world today – and for years to come – as the wider ramifications of this decision become clear and people lose access to the assistance they need.

Oxfam Australia has already had to make significant cuts in our overseas programs. Now we’ll have to cut even further.

In Bangladesh – one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world – Oxfam Australia will have to stop entirely or significantly scale back our life-saving work to prepare poor communities for disasters, including cyclones, earthquakes and floods.

Now, more than ever, we need to show our support for Australian Aid.

You can help us fight this injustice by joining the campaign for Australian Aid.