The climate crisis is unfolding on our doorstep
People across Solomon Islands are bracing for the oncoming cyclone season. The climate crisis has made the cyclone season even more perilous for communities across the Pacific, bringing with it more extreme flooding, cyclones, and droughts.
When cyclones hit, low lying areas are inundated with saltwater and rivers overflow. Crops are destroyed and houses are washed away.
“When we plant our food, the river will come and destroy it. So we will have no food.” – Margaret
When the floodwaters rise, families like Margret’s are forced to flee.
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and ferocious.
Houses are being washed away and freshwater sources ruined.
Families are being left homeless, hungry and without clean, safe water.
It’s impossible to build a better future for your kids with the constant cycle of disaster.
There are solutions
The communities of Solomon Islands are strong. With the right tools, training and advocacy, they will build resilience to the effects of the climate crisis. With your help, we can work with partners to:

Prepare ‒
By powering education programs that will teach people how to raise their gardens above the waterline.

Adapt ‒
By supporting safe water projects that will help communities get access to drinking water that is not tainted by seawater.

Respond ‒
By assisting communities to relocate facilities away from low lying coastal areas.