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Unprecedented walk-out: Oxfam joins hundreds to protest poor climate change action

Oxfam walks out of Warsaw Climate Conference

Due to a lack of progress and ambition at the Warsaw Climate conference, Oxfam has joined many other environmental and humanitarian groups to declare ‘enough is enough.’ We believe without this pressure, governments lack the will to protect people and the planet from climate catastrophe.

What went wrong?

The actions of a number of rich countries are damaging the process to find a working model to tackle climate change.
Some developed nations have refused to deliver on their previous commitments, and governments are placing the interest of fossil fuel companies before their own citizens.

In short, talks have stalled.
We believe governments must deliver their share of necessary emissions reductions and their share of the money needed to help the poorest and most vulnerable countries adapt.

The real price of climate change

It’s a sad fact. Climate change will hit the world’s poorest the hardest.

Despite this, some developing country governments have struggled to stand up for the needs and rights of their people within the conference.

Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International said, “…Climate change means real and harmful impacts on people right around the globe. It means people losing their lives, homes and livelihoods in floods and typhoons. It means people going hungry because crops have failed and food prices have sky rocketed. This is happening today – without action there will be worse to come tomorrow.”

Climate change is a global responsibility

It is essential the global community take immediate, ambitious and positive steps to ensure we keep emissions below danger levels and poor countries get the support they need to deal with the consequences of a changing climate.

We want to highlight to people around the globe the dire state  of negotiations and mobilise them to call on all governments for serious action on climate change. You can join us. Learn more and find out how by visiting ‘climate change: what you can do.’