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Unaccept Inequality

Support an equal future without poverty

At Oxfam Australia, we believe small actions matter and can lead to an equal future for everyone. Rejecting unequal systems like unfair tax laws, tackling climate destruction like Pacific islands sinking, and standing in solidarity with workers to ensure they are paid a fair wage are just a few things we can do.

For far too long, inequality has increased, leading to poverty and injustice. It’s time to do more — for ourselves, for each other and for future generations.

Our collective efforts have the power to dismantle systemic inequality, empower individuals and ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to reach their full potential. Let’s pave the way for a radically better world, leaving inequality, poverty and injustice behind.

We know that times are tough, and people are looking for solutions beyond government promises. That’s why we’re here — to provide a platform where you can actively make a difference. Our community of like-minded people is committed to driving change, supporting each other and transforming society – together.

Join us today and be a part of a movement that matters. Together, let’s shape a better future — one that embraces equality, sustainability and compassion.

Every day is an opportunity to create change, to build an equal future. And it starts with us. Join us to create an equal world.

In the face of inequality, we have to decide: be indifferent or be active, be courageous or be complacent. 

Take action, however small, every day to make our world more equal.

Throughout history, we’ve seen that people who have dared to imagine a better future have changed the course of humanity.

By rejecting industries that profit from the exploitation of people and land, we disrupt the cycle of injustice and work towards a fairer economy. An economy that uplifts everyone, respecting their livelihoods and dignity.

Creating an equal future is a challenge that requires time and effort. Let’s embrace hope and collective strength, and join together on a journey towards fairness and equality. 

Unaccept inequality.


Together, we can achieve a just, sustainable future without the inequalities that keep people in poverty.

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Support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament

Oxfam Australia supports voting YES in the upcoming referendum on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Learn more

What She Makes

Together, we’re tackling poverty in the fashion industry. Stand with the women who make our clothes. Add your name to demand big brands pay a living wage.


It’s time to make tax fair

Demand the government scrap the unfair Stage 3 tax cuts and make billionaires, corporations and the rich pay their fair share of tax.

Sign the petition

The impact of our work

Meet these inspiring heroes from all corners of the globe.

Papua New Guinea

Onano’s story

Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea: Onano John prepares to collect honey from her hives in the Eastern Highlands. Photo: Patrick Moran/OxfamAUS

When women can earn a living it not only improves gender equality, it also helps whole communities lift themselves out of poverty.

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Papua New Guinea

Eriko’s story

Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea: Eriko Fuferefa, Director of KUSWA and a survivor of gender-based violence. Photo: OxfamAUS

Violence against women and girls is alarmingly common in Papua New Guinea. Oxfam is working with trailblazers like Eriko to empower women and build a safer future.

Watch Now


Blockchain technology

Tanna, Vanuatu: Keith and Sirus test cards and phones in prep for beneficiary registrations. Unblocked cash transfer program role out in Tanna Vanuatu. response. Photo: Arlene Bax/Oxfam in Vanuatu

Our UnBlocked cash transfer program supports vulnerable communities with immediate cash transfers when disasters strike.

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Natalia’s story

Oecusse, Timor-Leste: Natalia Falo, pictured at her home where she says her partner Norbertu has taken a more active role in domestic chores after participating in Oxfam's Gender Action Learning System (GALS) training as part of the Hakbiit program. The family are also saving more money from selling animals and agricultural production. Photo: Ismenio Pereira/Oxfam

Before she put pen to paper, Natalia’s dream for a new house may have seemed unattainable. But her happy new home is proof that if you can see it, you can be it.

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Samreen’s story

Future female leader in Pakistan

Many 17 year olds look forward to the moment when they turn 18 and can legally vote but not many plan to stand for election the same year.

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Who is Oxfam?

Oxfam Australia is a member of Oxfam International, an international confederation of 21 organisations (and two observer members) working together towards a just world without poverty, with partners and local communities in 79 countries.With over 67 years of experience, Oxfam has been working with local partners and communities to provide immediate and long-term solutions that help people lift themselves out of poverty. From 2020-2021, Oxfam reached 25.7 million people in 84 countries around the world, all made possible with the support of people like you.

What does Oxfam Australia do?

We are working to create a world that is free of poverty and the inequality that causes poverty. We support people’s right to live in a just world where they can exercise their basic rights:
- the right to live and security
- the right to a sustainable livelihood
- the right to be heard
- the right to have an identity
- the right to have access to essential services. We work to achieve these rights for everyone.

Specifically, we strive to:
- save lives before, during, and after humanitarian crises
- work locally with people and communities to support their development and influence policies and practices that will reduce poverty
- influence governments, institutions and businesses to develop and implement laws, policies and practices that help people rise out of poverty.

Does Oxfam Australia have any political or religious affiliations?

We are an independent development organisation and carry out our work free from party-political or religious agendas. We have no membership or affiliation to any political party or religion. Learn more about our Welfare Religious and Partisan Political Activities Policy.Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. One taxation receipt (containing details of every donation) will be sent in July.

Where does Oxfam Australia work?

Oxfam Australia works in a number of countries around the world. More detail on our work in particular countries can be found in the countries where we work section of the site.

Where does the money go?

Your donation goes wherever the need is greatest and will support a range of Oxfam programs around the world.

How does Oxfam Australia select projects?

Our strategic plan contains six goals to change the world: The right to be heard; Gender justice, Saving lives, now and in the future; Sustainable food; Fair sharing of natural resources; and Finance for development.
Our operational plans are based on these goals, and we undertake regional and country level planning to determine projects that will help us to achieve these goals. We take into account issues such as the environment, women, culture, community power structures, the local economy, existing resources and relationships that affect poverty, and we identify underlying vulnerability as well as potential risks.
We work with local partner organisations and communities as well as key staff within the organisation to identify the best way of delivering each project so that we achieve the maximum impact.
You can support a specific project or several development projects through our monthly giving programs.

Want to know more?

Visit our frequently ask questions page to learn more about Oxfam and our work.