Oxfam Australia has worked to advance First Peoples’ rights for more than 40 years —and our work is not nearly done. We still have a long way to go towards First Peoples’ justice and equality in Australia. Despite more than a decade of campaigning, the gap is not closed.
How we tackle First Peoples inequality

Straight Talk
Our Straight Talk program brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women from around the country to meet politicians, learn about Australia’s political system, and leverage/wield/use those learnings to make change happen in their communities.

Justice reinvestment
Our First Peoples programs supports projects that redirect/divert funding from policing and prisons into community-led social programs that reduce Aboriginal incarceration.

Indigenous rights
We defend the traditional rights of First Nations people to access their land and water resources so they can sustain fishing practices and livelihoods, and restore ancient cultural practices and knowledge systems to protect Country.

Aboriginal health initiatives
We fund community-created and self-led Aboriginal health initiatives that cater to the specific needs of First Nations communities and strive to close the health and life expectancy gap.

Close the gap
We’re a founding member of the Close the Gap and Change the Record coalitions, which are Indigenous-led groups dedicated to improving health and justice outcomes for First Peoples. Launched in 2007, Close the Gap has had a real impact on the political process.
How can you help
What does Oxfam Australia mean by “First Peoples”?
In this section, the First Peoples refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
What is “First Peoples justice”?
Despite 65,000 years caring for People and Country, today the First Peoples of Australia are too often excluded from the resources of their own country. By calling for First Peoples justice, our aim is to undo systemic inequality, challenge injustice, and achieve the change the First Peoples of Australia want to see.
How has Oxfam Australia been working with the First Peoples?
Oxfam Australia has a strong, 47-year history working as an ally with First Nations communities — supporting health services, campaigns, political empowerment and more — and we’re incredibly proud of the achievements of our First Peoples team.
Contact our Straight Talk Team
Any questions? Contact the Straight Talk team on email womenbusiness@oxfam.org.au, call 1800 088 110 or use the form below.
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