Oxfam is creating a Flash Mob surrounding the Global Day of Action to stop climate change on Saturday 3rd of December at Midday in Forrest Chase under the big green sculpture in Perth’s CBD.
This year the UN leaders are holding climate talks in South Africa, Durban. Around the world the changing climate is already having a devastating impact of millions of poor people in developing countries. Changing rainfall patterns, longer and more severe droughts, floods and rising temperatures all are presenting real challenges to people’s lives and livelihoods.
The UN meeting in Durban will decide the fate of the planet. We must ask our politicians to avoid even greater impacts and stop the planet from going to cactus. As the world’s highest emitter per capita Australia should lead by example.
Here is our check list that we would like the Australian Government to commit to at the UN talks:
- Ensure that the global Green Climate Fund is up, running and designed to help poor people
- Fill the global Green Climate Fund
- Ensure poor countries avoid the worst impacts of climate change
- Keep the Kyoto Protocol alive
Oxfam is calling all our friends in the community to come along and show their support in any way possible. This flash mob is open to any person or organisation who wishes to share a message or gain support surrounding issues of climate change. The event is going to be big, bright, colourful and loud! We are inviting Zumba dancers, Carnival Drummers and many more to make this statement as big as possible.
In preparation, Oxfam is holding an information and training session on Tuesday 28th December 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Lottery House in West Perth before the rally. This training session is to learn the flash mob moves and let you know what’s happening on the day. All Oxfam members, volunteers and general members of the public are most welcome.
Please contact Paddy Cullen on paddyc@oxfam.org.au for more information.
Pic: Flickr CC licensed user schoeband