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Make Poverty History Forum – Hasluck

On Sunday August 11, sitting MP Ken Wyatt will join Labor Candidate Adrian Evans and Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, to debate the question: “Does Australia do its fair share to end extreme poverty?”

Date: Saturday, 11th August
Time: Forum at 12:00pm (barbecue at 11:00am)
Where: Kalamunda Church of Christ, 20 Mileti Rd in Lesmurdie

Australian aid has helped to save lives and improve opportunities for some of the world’s poorest people, but with one in eight people still going hungry every day, much more needs to be done.

Make Poverty History and Micah Challenge are calling for all political parties to commit 0.5 per cent of national income to overseas aid by 2016, on the path to 0.7 per cent by 2020.

If the election is as close as last time, one seat could decide the government and this could be the issue that makes the difference.

The forum will be held at the Kalamunda Church of Christ, 20 Mileti Rd in Lesmurdie on Sunday 11 August starting at noon with a barbecue before at 11am.

Help us spread the word about the event on Facebook and Twitter #EndPoverty. The more people who attend the greater the impact we will have.