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URGENT: Gaza Crisis Appeal: Donate Now

Make a regular donation walk against want

Thank you for taking the pledge to join a powerful community of supporters who are helping us address poverty at its core.


Making a regular donation is one of the best ways to support what you’re passionate about. Our community of supporters regularly contribute to Oxfam because we deliver long-term, life-changing solutions — ones that can save lives and make a real difference to people living in poverty.


We’re experts at delivering clean water and vital services — like sanitation and hygiene programs — all over the world. By donating regularly each month, you too could help feed a family, send someone to school or turn on a tap for an entire community.


Donations will normally be deducted around the 10th of each month and one taxation receipt (containing details of every donation) will be sent in July, at the end of the current financial year. Credit card donations may be debited after the 10th of each month due to bank processing delays.