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Gaza Crisis Appeal: Donate Now

Yolanda is a very clever child – she knows how to do beautiful things

Kids can really surprise you. Like when they do something you thought was impossible. When visiting our projects in South Africa recently, we found that a little girl named Yolanda who saved her entire family from disease — using just four sticks and a plastic container.

Together these simple items make a tippy tap, a life-saving hand-washing device that Yolanda is using to stop deadly diseases from killing her and her family. In Mpofini Village, not far from Yolanda’s home, 12 families share one polluted spring. They have almost constant diarrhoea.

Globally, diarrhoea and other diseases caused by dirty water take the life of a child every twenty seconds. Even worse, these children are the smallest and most vulnerable — aged under five. Thanks to the support of people like you, Yolanda, at six-years-old, has outlived this deadly statistic.

Yolanda’s grandfather, Reginald, told us about his granddaughter’s new-found enthusiasm for hand-washing:

“We see her doing things and we follow because we realise that she is a very clever child, and she knows how to do beautiful things. What I have noticed — that is important — is that she washes her hands after using the toilet and before having meals, her hands must be clean. She’s made a very big difference.”

Please donate today to provide tippy taps, clean water and hygiene education. You’ll be helping more children like Yolanda reach their sixth birthday