Tag: dams

Interview with Mr Chheng: the man working within the system
By Robin Narciso, Oxfam Australia Oxfam Australia, WWF and the Danish Government Aid Agency (Danida) have been collaborating with Cambodia’s Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute (IFReDI) to produce and provide the Cambodian Government with scientific information regarding the possible impacts of the dams on the Cambodian people. Recently, IFReDI, which is a Cambodian governmental […] Read more »

The Mekong Deal: The rich cash in, the poor pay
By Robin Narciso – an Oxfam volunteer in Phnom Penh What is extreme poverty? Living on under a dollar per day? When you see what the Mekong gives to its people, you understand how it is the river, not a couple of dollars that determines their survival. In Samphin, a small town in the Cambodian […] Read more »

How many villages is your dam worth?
By Robin Narciso – an Oxfam volunteer in Phnom Penh How would you feel if you woke up in the morning to find out that your house AND your job has vanished into thin air? It’s hard for us to imagine in the “developed world”, but it happens every day in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and […] Read more »