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Credit: Ainhoa Goma/Oxfam

Hungry for climate action in Durban

The United Nations have unpacked the bunting and draped the decorations around Durban, South Africa, for the next round of climate negotiations, COP17. Leaders, policy experts, delegates, caravanites, photo exhibitions, puppets, the world’s media and all manner of colorful characters have arrived to get their teeth into securing progress in the fight against climate change. […] Read more »

Small steps for G20, giant leap for Robin Hood

It’s amazing how developments unfold little by little at the G20 Summit. Here, it’s all about details. Oxfam’s Victoria Marzilli reports on progress in France. Read more »

G20: the verdict

Our friends at the Robin Hood Tax campaign provide us with a wrap-up of the G20 meeting in France. Read more »

A Robin Hood Tax at the G20

Prime Minister Gillard is about to embark across the ocean to France for the G20 summit meeting, where Oxfam Australia hopes Australia will support a Robin Hood Tax, reports Sarah Norton. Read more »

Bill Gates’ leaked report say about aid, tax and development?

Take a look at the leaked report by Bill Gates to the G20, which got a good deal of media coverage because of its positive noises about the Financial Transactions Tax. Actually, the rest of the report is at least as interesting. Firstly, it’s not actually the final report, but a 7 page ‘technical note’ […] Read more »

Meeting with Ministers on Green Climate Fund in WA

Oxfam were very kindly invited by one of our newest Rockingham Group member, Minister Gary Gray, to a meeting with Minister Simon Crean on climate change and the carbon tax. Read more »
Photo: Debbie Hunt/OxfamAUS

Europe looks set to adopt a Robin Hood Tax

A financial transaction tax is popular with European citizens, but the dividends must go towards fighting climate change and poverty – argues Richard Gower of Oxfam GB Read more »
Thet Win Aung is a volunteer intern for Oxfam Australia

Campaigning for Robin Hood in WA

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Our intern Thet Win Aung describes his first experiences with Oxfam, in which we dress him up in a Robin Hood costume and convince him to jump into the Swan River. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Hats off to The Robin Hood Tax in WA

Campaigners in Perth, Fremantle, Nedlands and Burswood took to the streets this week to mark the Robin Hood tax Global Day of Action by donning local statues with Robin Hood hats. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Show your support for Robin Hood

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A Robin Hood Tax is a tiny financial transaction tax that could raise billions of dollars to fight climate change and poverty. This June 22, join us for a global day of action and show your support for Robin Hood! Read more »