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Priscilla and her family are forced to drink contaminated water. Clean water and sanitation can help families in Zambia protect themselves from cholera.

When dirty water is your only option

Many parents worry about the health and wellbeing of their precious children. But parents like Priscilla, have extra reason to worry — she has only dirty water to give to her children. But together, we can help change this. Read more »

Sammy J in PNG

Oxfam Ambassador and all-round good guy, Sammy J, recently traveled to Papua New Guinea with us to see our work firsthand. Read about the people he met, the projects he saw, and the trouble he got himself into! Read more »
godebrite mother nduta

Through a Mother’s Eyes: Life in Nduta Refugee Camp

The Nduta refugee camp in Tanzania is home to more than 55,000 personal stories of survival and hope. Godebrite’s remarkable story is one of them. Read more »
turubu papua new guinea

Look back on your achievements

2016 was a year of massive upheaval for many people across the world. But it was not all bad news. Together with Oxfam, you’ve been there, and given hope to millions of people. Read more »

Breaking the taboos around loos

According to the UN, 2.4 billion people around the world struggling to stay well, keep their children alive and work their way to a better future – all for the want of a toilet. Read more »
Marie holds her water container that she received from Oxfam

Tackling hunger, thirst and disease

With just four kilometres separating us, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is Australia’s closest neighbour. And last year, millions of people in PNG were facing hunger, thirst and disease on our doorstep Read more »

They survived the violence, but they can’t survive without clean water

“There is only one activity in the community — surviving.” Louise and her family escaped armed rebels, but now they face a new danger — deadly, dirty water. Read more »

What a difference $1 makes

Oxfam’s $1 Day is a new and exciting national fundraising event with the aim of raising $500,000 for clean water projects. $1 Day is officially on Tuesday 31 May, but you can get involved at any time throughout the month. Find out how. Read more »

The benefits of clean water in 6 beautiful photos

Oxfam is providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene education in some of the world’s poorest countries. In fact, it’s one of the things we do best. View six beautiful photographs that showcase the benefits of clean water after an emergency and in our long-term development work. Read more »
Niger has a serious malnutrition crisis and mothers like Binta risk losing their children

It’s the simple things that lift families out of despair

Malnutrition is a serious problem in countries like Niger — children die every day. But Oxfam supporters are providing simple but life-changing items to tackle a vicious cycle. Read more »